It's been over a year now :/ CRAZY to think. since I've last blogged. One of my biggest struggles has been that I felt no one read this. SO. I'm going to give it another try and see what happens! :) Please, if you read this and find any enjoyment, or can relate at all, jot me a lil' comment and let me know, it would be greatly appreciated!

I am now a Barista at Starbucks on Battlefield and thoroughly enjoy the benefits :) I've just been finishing up my education at Regent, or at least trying to, while also trying to chase my dreams and passions in life.
Unfortunately, it has felt like everything in life has been crashing down on me :/ Within the past couple months, I have discovered several reasons for why this past season has felt like a dry barren desert wasteland! 1. My love tank has been COMPLETELY empty...and 2. I have had no joy or passion for anything I've done. While I've found some outlets, I felt the need to withdraw from them because I knew that I would forget about school all together...naturally because it hasn't been something that I am truly passionate about.
Once I figured that much out, since then I've basically found out 2 more classes I've taken have been insufficient for the requirements needed, spilled coffee on my already broken laptop (new laptop, mind you), and had the apple store tell me that liquid damage trumps previous problems SO they couldn't fix the already existing problems. My options: buy a new one for around $1,000 or repair it for $800. stupid. I think the guy felt bad and tried helping me...he suggested purchase protection from the credit card I used, or home insurance...and work insurance also. I checked out the first 2, made a claim that I really thought was going to get passed because the lady said it could be termed "vandalism" and said I had a good chance. Yep. Nope. THEN....well I'm not even going to continue. To say the least. A lot has happened and I just feel like I just keep getting crapped on :/
Well thanks for letting me vent...if you've actually gotten all the way through :) I just sometimes don't get it. But I guess the more I dwell on it, the more worked up I get, and I just have to let it go and know that it's out of my control at this point. There IS a lot more stuff that's going to happen and lots more GOOD things (I CLAIM IT!) to here's to looking forward and not back!

Coming UP!
My new form of movement that I can't wait to get kicked off the ground with people who love music, movement, and the arts! :) More to come soon...I just didn't want to pack too much in this first blog :)