As some of you may know, I have unfortunatly become an avid ebay-er. I am not always buying things per se, but it has definately become a major resource! ...for example when I wanted to get a programmable coffee maker so that I could wake up every morning to that fresh aroma with no effort at all! (well at least in the morning). Yesterday was the first weekday I was trying to use it and as I stumbled my way out of bed to my coffee maker, alas...there was no coffee! Upon further investigation I realized that the timer was set for 5:30 PM! *sigh*
This morning was a brand new morning that I was hoping I could put all things behind me, bitterness that is with my coffee maker, and try again. AGAIN I woke to no sweet aroma filling my nostrils! Now, let me assure you that I MADE SURE that it was not set for PM! ..and o yes, it was definately AM! However, when I looked at it, to my surprise, it still said PM. So basically I have no idea what is going on with my coffee maker, maybe I need to cast some demons out of it...If anyone has any idea what I am doing wrong or not doing, pleaaaaaaaaaase let me kno.
it's "per se".
did you ever get this thing to work? did it come with directions? I have found that regardless directions or not..they never work right. I agree with you, it's possessed.
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