I am writing this because I am in desperate need of some help/encouragement/tips/trips/any advice possible and I am hoping that all of you who are reading this will be able to offer me some! I quit coffee earlier this year and did not have any until November. I think I went a total of 6-7 months. I was doing so well...drinking a lot of tea, but I just missed the smooth, rich taste of coffee. After getting a new job and having my cubical RIGHT next to the coffee pot, I could not resist the smell any longer and decided with much enticing from fellow co-workers to give into my temptation. It has been several wonderful months of enjoying coffee, HOWEVER, I decided to give it up yesterday and I really don't think I am going to make it. Sometimes tea just does not do it for me and I've been so tired, annoyed, irritated, and unfocused. Any help anyone could give me would be great!
Well, Stef, experts say the first thing you should do is admit you have the problem. Bravo, you are done! Also, making your plight "public," such as via a blog is a great way to garner support from those who really (or actually) care about you - like me :) Seriously, take it from someone who has struggled quite a bit in a variety of ways, support is critical. Other than that, here are a few tips, tricks, etc. that you requested:
Breath Prayer: You know that YOU are pretty much powerless, but God is all powerful. Philippians 4:13 is a great "breath prayer." Let me know about this one... easy conversation, too much for a blog reply!
Neuro Associative Conditioning: You may not know this, but I used to smoke cigarettes. Yeah, I know, it was pretty gross. Nonetheless, as a smoker I really enjoyed it. I managed to kick my 8-9 year one pack/day habit in just 5 days! Let me know about this one... easy conversation, too much for a blog reply!
Make It Hurt: There are many variations on this one, but essentially, you tie a negative consequence to your desires for coffee. An old friend of mine quitting biting her nails by snapping a rubber band she had placed around her wrist each time she felt the urge or followed through on the act. Another version is financial. Put a "Coffee Jar" somewhere visible. Then, tell everyone around you that if you are seen drinking coffee, you must put in X amount of money. Eventually, it will become too expensive, and it creates a visual deterrant.
go for the lesser evil stef, soda!
Oh goodness, I can't do that. I was drinking a lot of diet soda when I did this no carb thing-now that I think of it, that's when I started drinking coffee again. The thought was...well soda stains your teeth just as much as coffee, and I've been drinking all this soda, so why not just drink coffee again. yeaaaaaaa. but there's a lot of sugar...ultimately, it would nice if water would give me the same satisfaction as coffee!
Why do you want to "quit"? Coffee and tea both have redeeming qualities. There are many articles which hail the goodness of coffee. So enjoy in moderation. http://men.webmd.com/features/coffee-new-health-food
Hmmmm...not sure if you noticed. but the article definately says MENS health...just a thought
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