I just went to take a brief cat nap and after a couple minutes of contemplating, I realized that I don't think I can do things when I have walked around for long periods of time barefoot.
You may wonder how in the world I have come to this conclusion. Well Monday I was at the beach and when I came home I was completely unproductive...until I washed my feet. There was just something weird and disruptive about them. Oh wait, no...I couldn't go to sleep with dirty feet! That's what it was!
But anyway, when attempting to snooze today, I noticed my feet were dirty from walking around all day and it just bugged me. So I decided to blog about it...seems funny and almost ironic how both times I was trying to sleep...Hmm.
The good news is that either it couldn't have bugged me that bad...because I found myself actually waking up so I guess I did catch a couple minutes of sleep OR I was just really that tired that even something like dirty feet couldn't have stopped me!