Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dirty feet

I just went to take a brief cat nap and after a couple minutes of contemplating, I realized that I don't think I can do things when I have walked around for long periods of time barefoot.

You may wonder how in the world I have come to this conclusion. Well Monday I was at the beach and when I came home I was completely unproductive...until I washed my feet. There was just something weird and disruptive about them. Oh wait, no...I couldn't go to sleep with dirty feet! That's what it was!

But anyway, when attempting to snooze today, I noticed my feet were dirty from walking around all day and it just bugged me. So I decided to blog about it...seems funny and almost ironic how both times I was trying to sleep...Hmm.

The good news is that either it couldn't have bugged me that bad...because I found myself actually waking up so I guess I did catch a couple minutes of sleep OR I was just really that tired that even something like dirty feet couldn't have stopped me!

Movie Night!

On June 8th the Undergraduate Council is hosting a movie night at Cinema Cafe-Kemps River. Y'all should come! UNLIMITED PIZZA AND POPCORN! woohoo...make sure you RSVP at More info will be sent to you once you RSVP.

Hope to see you there! :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

40 Days For 40 Years

This was something that was sent out on The Branch, but after receiving it from someone who is down at IHOP (International House of Prayer...not Pancakes as I once thought). I decided to check it out and have felt moved to participate.

Fasts are something that I think have to be on a case by case individual basis. My senior year at Elim for example, there were about 11-12 girls who decided to do a Daniel fast which is fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and pure oats and grain type stuff. aka PLAIN oatmeal...many of them stopped half way through because they knew that they weren't doing it for the right reasons. I was one who continued through until the 40 days was over. This was one of the hardest things I have EVER done! I found that it was not about being hungry at all--it was about me denying my flesh which was not an easy task.

The Lord was so faithful to me and not only through it, but after it as well. I would not recommend this to anyone in particular, but if you feel moved after reading more about ( I suggest praying and asking the Lord what it is that you can contribute whether it be fasting even TV or meaningless internet use to one meal a day or just fruits and vegetables. During this time you can guarantee there will donuts brought in by the boss and other things will come up...

As I prepare to enter into this time of fasting, I want to let you know that I need spiritual encouragement as well as people who will hold me accountable and I will also do the same for you if you let me know.

Stick it

So prolly one of the best movies I've seen in a WHILE! Super chick flick ALL THE WAY! but it has amazing extreme sports...not to mention the fact that the dude doing the bike tricks turns out to be a GIRL! o yea. way to rock.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Soooo do you ever look at pictures of yourself now and then look at pictures of yourself from a year ago? Well I do and it is been very difficult. My Mom always tell me that people change, and of course their pictures are going to look different. She says that in past pictures I still have my "baby face" and that's why I look different.

Let me just tell you...I HATE IT! I have a very difficult time seeing how completely different I look. There haven't been massive changes in like my size or anything...I even just wore my junior prom dress to the Christmas Ball! Point being: how could I have not have changed that much but look 100% different! GAH! It's so frustrating and it is at those times where I just thank God for who I am in Him. Don't get me wrong...I am completely secure in that and in my personality, but when I see myself, it's a different story.

While driving

So do you ever notice that sometimes while driving you notice things you may have never noticed before? Things like states have not only State Birds, and State flowers...but they ALSO have State Insects! How weird is that!?

You may ask how in the world did I notice this. Well I will tell you. It was on a license plate in front of me! Weird and random, I know, but I couldn't help but see it. So Virginia's is a Swallowtail Butterfly. At least we don't have like a cockroach as State Insect!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dancing with the Stars

The Winners!...

...they didn't win, but are still really good! :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

To feel alive

When the love spills over,
And music fills the night,
And when you can't contain your joy inside...

Dance for Jesus and live

Friday, May 18, 2007

Bad idea

Yesterday morning at work I was so productive until the afternoon hit...I got a killer headache and could barely concentrate. I ended up going home and took a much needed nap.

I must preface this with the fact that mom is amazing! Why, you ask. When I first came down here I didn't have much, so she made me curtains. I asked her if she could make me ones that didn't let any light in. So that's exactly what she did. They are these brown curtains that when I shut them, it is pitch black in my room...even in the middle of the day.

Needless to say, when I only intended on sleeping for an hour, this was a VERY BAD IDEA!

...I woke up this morning.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

So the sad face has got to go

Well I have this picture on my MySpace that is of me frowning, and people keep telling me that I need to take it off because that isn't who i am...but this is the straw that broke the camel's back...way to go Kati! (See below)

"You know. i really think you need to change your pic though. there is one thing that the devil is not able to take away from us. and thats our joy. he can make us sick take our possessions and our friends, but if we keep our joy he is still defeated. so, stef be the joyful girl i know you are!"

let me tell you...sick is certainly one thing i have been. As Andrea puts it, "You get sick when your're stressed." And now call me crazy, but that isn't exactly something that I really enjoy being...sick that is. I'm telling you, only me...who gets sick when they are stressed?! *sigh*

Monday, May 14, 2007

Yay! Done for the summer?

Well not quite...

It's quite funny/interesante (that's Spanish for interesting in case you didn't know) that 90% of the students i've talked to that have "graduated" still have a class or two left to take over the summer.

At any rate, summer classes have officially started, and of course I am sick...

i never knew that u could tire urself out from coughing! My nose is raw, i hurt from coughing, have an upper respiratory infection, i spilled a boiling cup of tea on my lap yesterday and now have severe burns in a very bad spot and can barely move, have so much homework to do but have no focus due to congested head and medication...i love that school doesn't stop when i'm am miserably sick and totally not capable of being productive-therefore causing me to get incredibly behind causing even more stress, and i am sick of getting lost. meh.

Friday, May 4, 2007

As much as I love Spiderman...

...I was far from impressed. Many of you may know that today is opening day for the well awaited for flick. Last night, myself along with 3 others went to see it for my friend Kati's birthday. We had bought our tickets about a week and a half ago and had gotten to the theater well before 9:45 or so. We were the FIRST ONES in line eventually followed by hundreds of people.

It was quite amusing being the first ones there. The theater lobby was dead silent only until the silence was interrupted by 4 very excited girls. I would like to preface this with the fact Andrea and I had only had 2 hours of sleep the previous night. Let's just say the theater employees got quite a night of entertainment from us! :)

Regarding the actual I was discussing with a co-worker earlier, he had mentioned that this film was supposed to be more of "transitional" movie-kind of how Pirates 2 was. I have been watching Spiderman since I was maybe 10 with my brother. It was always what I looked forward to when I got home from school. Granted, the movie had great effects, but the plot seemed to lack anything of substantial worth. It was still a great night regardless of the amount of sleep had previously-I'll post some pics later this week from it. I am still a fan, but I think the movie is just not it was cracked up to be.

Feel free to comment and let me know what you guys thought if you saw it! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

here goes nothin'

Upon writing a paper at 1:29 in the morning...I wandered across this fun quote of the day we shall see if it really lives up to its name!

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hmm...Good Question

Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

...This is my Google "Thing to Ponder" of the day! :)
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