This was something that was sent out on The Branch, but after receiving it from someone who is down at IHOP (International House of Prayer...not Pancakes as I once thought). I decided to check it out and have felt moved to participate.
Fasts are something that I think have to be on a case by case individual basis. My senior year at Elim for example, there were about 11-12 girls who decided to do a Daniel fast which is fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and pure oats and grain type stuff. aka PLAIN oatmeal...many of them stopped half way through because they knew that they weren't doing it for the right reasons. I was one who continued through until the 40 days was over. This was one of the hardest things I have EVER done! I found that it was not about being hungry at all--it was about me denying my flesh which was not an easy task.
The Lord was so faithful to me and not only through it, but after it as well. I would not recommend this to anyone in particular, but if you feel moved after reading more about (fastandpray.com) I suggest praying and asking the Lord what it is that you can contribute whether it be fasting even TV or meaningless internet use to one meal a day or just fruits and vegetables. During this time you can guarantee there will donuts brought in by the boss and other things will come up...
As I prepare to enter into this time of fasting, I want to let you know that I need spiritual encouragement as well as people who will hold me accountable and I will also do the same for you if you let me know.
Wow. That is something I am going to have to seek God about.
So you never mentioned, what type of fasting have you decided to do? If there is anyway I encourage you during the fast, let me know!
thats an amazing site, thanks for posting that. I'll pray for you as you go through this. I'm going to seek God about doing this myself.
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