Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, June 29, 2007

Cara & Josh's Wedding

Well the long awaited wedding has finally come and gone. I am here in NY enjoying the lovely weather...even though I must say, it did take a bit to get used to. The days where everyone was sweating to death, I was still shivering.

The wedding itself was stunning. Cara looked beautiful as always and it was great to see all my girls! Josh has asked me to take pictures of the wedding because they are more indie and like different things. They asked me because I knew their style and they thought I would do a good job. Well I was a little too intimidated and said I would video it instead if they wanted. :)

I ended up shooting a ton of film shots at the reception and they are getting developed as we speak. Ya never know, depending on how they turn out, I may become a wedding photographer! hehe. Here are just some fun shots of me and my girlies, I'll post some more when they are developed.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

YAY! Finally...a new house

Jen and I went house shopping yesterday and oh my goodness, the first neighborhood was SO ghetto...not good, not good AT ALL! Then we went to this one, and I think it's the winner! And I must's about time! Anyways, looks like we might have it for all of July so woohoo! :)

This is the downstairs, kitchen is attached-but the living/dining room is all hardwood floors, and there's even a wet bar-how random!? They are just moving out so it's a little messy. I think we may turn the dining room into a sitting room/studio type deal because the kitchen is big enough and has room for the table.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Wasn't I the cutest thing!? :) And yes, that's a bunny in my jacket...maybe I thought no one would notice if I took him home! ( grandpa raised them).

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Way Back When

This morning I was speaking with Sharon, a lady I work with, about women's suffrage and the feminist movement. As she put it, "I am woman, hear me roar...God didn't create us as women to be lionesses, but He did create us to be leaders."

She had mentioned this woman, Barbara Jordan and one of the things she said was the following: " A spirit of harmony can only survive if each of us remembers, when bitterness and self-interest seem to prevail, that we share a common destiny."

It got me thinking about way back when where all of the women stayed at home, blah blah blah. Well my question is, Did the occupation of "homemaker" become devalued when women wanted to start working outside the home? Was it because women wanted "more" that people thought this wasn't enough to satisfy a talented and strong "working" woman's desires? It also made me think about the difference between a woman who just did her job and was good at it, even though her heart was unhappy. I've seen many people who are great at what they do, but are so miserable. Their hearts are simply not in what they do. And I say, what is the point if there is no passion? Now on the opposite end, there can be the most amazing woman who could succeed anywhere she goes, but chooses to be a homemaker, why is she looked at any differently if she could be doing the same thing other women choose to do. This is what she chooses, but why is it when she chooses this field, she is being discriminated against?

Furthermore...I was thinking about where we are now in our culture. There is obviously lots of sin in the world, but who says there wasn't as much sin 500 years ago?! Exactly, so if there was just as much sin, but no one was freely open with it, how did they deal with it? I can just picture 7 Godly Christian women sitting together for tea, struggling with sin in their lives and not being able to talk about it. Was it that they had better relationships with the Lord that they were able to go to only Him for help, or what? These are just thoughts...but yea, I think these would be questions I'd eventually like to ask the Big Guy one day.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Interesting Night

Well I am forever and continually amazed and awestruck of the workings of God. He never ceases to love and yet confuse the heck out of me. I find myself asking the question, is this what relying on God is supposed to look like? People have always told me that when they have been in school, they have found times where they are so far behind, that it is truly a miracle if they catch up and it is at that point where they know that they couldn't have done it without God. That makes me seriously think...because obviously people that are getting 4.0's and working don't see them falling behind and then catching up only to know that they were only capable of doing that because of God. I think..I know God works in our lives differently depending on who we are. It seems that how He deals with me is the thing that I will NEVER be able to figure out! *sigh*

I guess the story of my life is not knowing. And it's funny because I know that, and yet I still struggle. Now, I'm not saying that I shouldn't be struggling, but I just get so tired sometimes and wonder if it will ever end. It would be REALLY nice to just stop being in this place where I am continually weak and tired. I mean, seriously...can't God work in my life any OTHER way besides through THIS kind of weakness specifically?! I know He can and He can also do whatever He wants...but I am just so tired in every way imaginable. And of course that's when people say, "Well that's when God is allowed to use you-when you are weak." Well ya know what...I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! I know that this isn't God's will for me...whoever says that, is messed up. I have a Father who loves me and who is always working in me and has my best interest in mind.

I just want to know if it will ever end. I need rest.

My frustration continues

Well all of my excitement was for NOTHIN! I'm so upset...the stupid hard drive came with "quick set up" instructions, but NO detailed instructions leaving me completely clueless. Now when I first set it up, I was like, no big deal, it should that was easy. Oh no no no, I was mistaken...when I tried transferring my files, the darn things never showed up on the external hard drive. It was saying it was there, and that they were being added, but then it was like they just disappeared.

I started pushing buttons trying to configure it, and somehow found like 3 weird drives and deleted them and after I deleted them, it seemed like new ones just kept getting created. So whatever, I tried putting my files into there, and after the third one, they sticked, so I was like, ok sweet and just went with it.

I understand that many of you may be reading this and shaking your head in either disappointment or disbelief. But unfortunately it is true...I had no idea what I was doing! :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


My external hard drive comes in today! WOOHOO! No more slow comp! Thanks to everyone who gave me advice...I went with the Maxtor 160GB.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

i'm scary...i know

Some of you may have seen the picture of me when I had an allergic reaction from a previous post...and those of you who have not, be thankful! Well my lovely co-worker Jason, said this to me in regards to it:

knightizi : its sad and kinda scary - but adorable in a sad awwwwwww kinda way
knightizi : now if u looked like that all the time
knightizi : probably not many points for that

So basically when I'm unrecognizable beyond belief, it's cute. But if I always looked like that, not so much...oh and yea, he also said I have ogre feet! :(

Oh to be a mermaid

I FINALLY got the chance to go to First Landing State Park this weekend and actually enjoy the was soooo nice to be outside. It makes me miss home a lot...but ya know-such is life. One more year! ...This just means that now I know a place that I can go when I need something other than a concrete jungle! :)

This great "local tour guide" took me for a bike ride on the trails and I got to see a little of what his place of business does. It's a great place that does all sorts of eco-tours. Andrea is actually going to be taking surf lessons from them this weekend and I can't WAIT to watch her! hehe. Aren't I a good friend?! Not that I have any doubts, but ya should be super fun to watch!

Sometimes I really wish I could be a mermaid. Did I just say that out loud? I could seriously sit and watch fish for hours. Ya know, I used to swim in my pool and see how long I could hold my breath for underwater. I thought that maybe if I did that enough times, I'd get gills. My plan failed miserably and alas, I am still human. There is actually quite an interesting story about how mermaids first will have to check it out sometime.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Calling all Mac users!

So my frustration continues with my mac. Yes it is true. I have a 60GB hard drive and it is completely FULL! Because of this, doing ANYTHING seems quite impossible! I know that I need to free up some space, but after burning a bajillion things onto cd's and still having a difficult time doing anything, I have given up.

My roommate suggested getting an external hard drive. I have never had the problem of not having enough space, so it seems a bit futile to me but neverless, I think getting one is what it comes down to as my only other option. I am usually pretty savy when it comes to electronics, where to buy them, and brand, but when it comes to these, I am plum outta luck...probably because I've never had the need.

So if anyone knows ANYTHING about these thinga-ma-bobbers, please let me know! And keep in mind that I have a Mac so it has to be compatible. Thanks!

Friday, June 8, 2007

So long to MySpace

For those of you who read about the fast I was considering (See 5/25), it has slightly evolved into something else. I realized that what I spend the most time doing is watching TV on my computer or movies and meaningless web surfing...a lot on MySpace. I was doing a Daniel's fast, which caused me to evaluate what my time was being spent on. After seeing the severity of how this media has been affecting me, I decided to delete my MySpace. One of my dearest friends wrote this to me today:

FreedomGGirl: i don't like you not being my #4 on myspace
FreedomGGirl: will you come back if i make you #1?

It made me smile...but as much as I love her and as much as that made me laugh, I cannot go back! :)

Friday, June 1, 2007

i swing hard

after many conversations with friends from all over, i have realized that i have a tendancy to swing hard. as my friend jessi once told me, "stef, you are either one way or the other...God eventually brings you to the middle, but in everything you do, you go all out." now granted this can be good but also bad. i know that i'm like that for a reason, just haven't quite figured out why or what that reason is. but that's the great thing...i'm always learning :)

now when i say swing...not only on a swingset...because i do! but also in my life. when i do something, i tend to do it full out. in my thoughts and my emotions also. if i am involved, i am completely involved. there is no half way for me. this is part of the reason i find it so hard to balance work and school. i have always had 3 if not more jobs in the summer, but i never had school. i am such a hard worker that i work myself to death practically and have no mental capacity left for other involved things such as school. now, cooking and helping my mom garden, yes...but never something so involved as school...none the less online. like i said's a challenge and i am trying.
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