So my frustration continues with my mac. Yes it is true. I have a 60GB hard drive and it is completely FULL! Because of this, doing ANYTHING seems quite impossible! I know that I need to free up some space, but after burning a bajillion things onto cd's and still having a difficult time doing anything, I have given up.
My roommate suggested getting an external hard drive. I have never had the problem of not having enough space, so it seems a bit futile to me but neverless, I think getting one is what it comes down to as my only other option. I am usually pretty savy when it comes to electronics, where to buy them, and brand, but when it comes to these, I am plum outta luck...probably because I've never had the need.
So if anyone knows ANYTHING about these thinga-ma-bobbers, please let me know! And keep in mind that I have a Mac so it has to be compatible. Thanks!
Haha. I know where you are coming from. At one point my Mac's 100gb hard drive had just a couple of gb free, while my 200 gb external hard drive had less that a 1gb free! (Raw DV and photo files take up a lot of space!)
The external hard drive I have is a Maxtor and it has been super! I have another Mac friend who also loves Maxtors Drives. Actually I just went on Bestbuy.com and there is a really great deal on a Maxtor 160gb drive ( http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8200886&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat107700050005&id=1165610071764 ) (Actually, it is so good I am now considering going down and picking up one myself!). There are other options as well, such as the Maxtor OneTouch 80gb drive (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8200895&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat107700050005&id=1165610071833 ). Even though it has less space and is a little more, the OneTouch is a REALLY NICE series and would be more portable than the 160gb. Those are some options, but feel free to give me a call, I would be glad to do what I can to help out.
The Links are not showing up, so I will send them by email.
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