Then came my cousin's graduation party where my other cousin decided to drive his Jeep in the creek...oh yes. Very smart decision...especially when he could not get it out! Then my mother and I were on our way to Utica (about 2 hrs away from my house) and got a blowout. A lovely fireman came to help us change it, THEN don't you know it, two of the screws that actually hold the tire onto the rim completely snapped off. Oh yea, my mother was not happy. We had to ride home in a flat bad tow truck with this guy that talked the ENTIRE way home. My dad ended up fixing it...but in the process he put one of the new screws in the freezer in hopes it would shrink a little (it was a tad bit too big, so by freezing it, sometimes you can get metal to shrink just enough). No one really knew he did this, and as he keeps working on this, he must have forgotten what he did with it, because he lost it and was looking for it for a good 2 hrs. The next day, he was getting ice, and started laughing hysterically. Now, my Dad is not the type to bust out into spontaneous laughter, so it was slightly out of character for him. After wondering what in the world he was laughing at, we saw the screw frozen into the ice cube try...it must have melted the ice because it was warm and then ended up re-freezing!

AND THEN! It gets better, I know! Well longer story, hopefully shorter...on my flight home, I was talking to this pilot asking him if he could get the plane back to Va Bch any sooner than 11:44 and ended up talking with him for 2 hours and all of his little plane buddies as well! Oh yea...I found out that our pilot's nickname was "Big Daddy" (the one on the left) and he was the other one...his nickname was "Easy Button." Let me explain, it is exactly how it sounds. He carries an "easy button" around with him. I'm not sure WHY, but nonetheless, he does. He told me when I got on the plane that I could go up to the cockpit and see this "easy button" he is so famous for. Well just as he said...there was a big 'ol easy button (like the ones on the Staples commercials) in the center console. I pushed it, and what'd ya know...I hear, "That was easy!" in the Staples guy voice. Quite funny I must say, but of course...very random! And here is the proof! :)

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