So I apologize for my lack of...well basically I'm a slacker. But the good news is, my parents have been in Alaska now for almost a week and a half. They come home this Monday night, so I'm excited! Not that I get to see them or anything, BUT my mother just got a new Canon Digital SLR. Granted it's not a Nikon, I know, but she has about 5 really ridiculous lenses that she didn't want to lose, or have to buy again for a digital. She got it for her birthday from my dad basically for this trip. I think it's their 30th anniversary present to themselves. :) haha. Gotta love my dad.
That led me to think...hmmmm I wonder if I can squeeze one of those out of him for MY birthday!? *insert evil cackling here* I highly doubt it, but I think I AM going to be getting an automatic car starter installed for my birthday. SWEET! If any of you have never had the luxury of being in a car where one of these is present...it's GREAT! Being from upstate NY, you learn to enjoy the little things in life that prevent you from being in freezing whether any longer than you need to. Speaking of which, after these past couple days...I don't know. I'm NOT a fan of the nasty weather that looks like it should be, oh I don't know...60 degrees and in all reality its like 100! Yea, that's just not normal. Oh well, such is life, as my mother would say.
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