I've come to realize that without them, i'd be lost. Whenever I sleep in, i usually feel completely helpless and incapable. Sounds weird I know. The other day I was listening to the radio and they said that studies show that no matter what day it is, you should always wake up at the same time. So on the weekends, no matter how good it feels to sleep in, you should wake up at the time you normally do as to not throw off your internal clock, or whatever. I completely agree with them! :) Something happens during a morning that doesn't happen at any other part of the day. I think it's the fact that the hustle and bustle of the day hasn't quite kicked in and that you don't really know what that day in particular is going to have in store for you.
The past couple days, I've been enjoying my back porch quite a bit. I'll go out there around 6:45 or so while it's still a little dark, the noise for the day hasn't quite reached it's peak, and all the little birds are just waking up and meeting the day with their songs. ...we have a pond in the back that is literately 10 feet away from our porch, and along with this pond comes these distgusting water vermons. At first we thought they were cute little otters, but found out otherwise. Point is, you never know when they are going to be out. One time, Andrea and I saw close to 15 all feeding right outside of our door. It was pretty freaky, I'm not going to lie. Maybe one day, I'll have to get a picture of them all in their little herd! But as for now, I'm off to enjoy my mornning :)
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