Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ever flown an F-18?

Me neither, but Andrea and I did get to go to this Strike Fighter Ball with a couple of pilots. :) You see, there were these 2 guys in need of dates for this big ball they have will all of the fighter pilots in Va Bch. Now, if any of you know me or Andrea, we have a track record of not actually showing up to these things...she was invited to one -similar, not the same, last year. And I was invited to one in the fall but I couldn't go because I had an allergic reaction and my face swelled up, so needless to say, I REALLY didn't want to go to this fancy ball with my face looking like a puffer fish! Classic, I know!

Well we finally actually went to one! Lol. It was fun, and we definitely learned a LOT about fighter when you hear the jets flying above us, you can know that they are just flying drills at 11pm for the fun of it! :)

1 comment:

Ymike said...

Figher Pilots, huh?....psssssh. Not impressed. ;)

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