Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stef gets Starbucks!

Mmm...the thought of pay day brings a smile to my face! Pay day means Stef gets Starbucks! Woohoo!

As my co-worker, Sarah, and I were talking about how much we wanted Starbucks, we decided that we both get to treat ourselves to Starbucks on payday (which is today)...unfortunately it isn't so much as treating ourselves because we seem to get it regardless of the money in our bank accounts.


Kyle Graham said...

I don't like coffee, but I like the strawberry whipped drinks they have... it will help you continue your path to redemption after the "bald head" comment

Stefanie said...

What is this "it" that you speak about that will help redeem me? are u implying that i should buy those for you!? hahaha NO DINERO PARA MI!

Kyle Graham said...

the whipped strawberry drink :)

sarahc said...

Strawberry frap's are the only approved drink as far as i'm concerned

Anonymous said...

I want one too!!!

Nathan Tillett said...

Hey where is my starbucks?

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