Need I say more?!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Stuck in Delaware
After coming close to getting carbon monoxide dad made me get a hotel for the night. This was on my way home from VA.
Oh and P.S. be forewarned that I was really tired and in the beginning i was slightly rambling, but basically this is the story of what happened.
Oh and P.S. be forewarned that I was really tired and in the beginning i was slightly rambling, but basically this is the story of what happened.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Harvest Fest 07
Our First Annual Harvest Fest was yesterday and I must say, it was a blast! (See pics below) We had apple bobbing, pie eating and baking contests, along with hot dogs and hot apple cider. (Not quite like NY's apple cider, but what can ya do?!)
Thanksgiving is creeping up and I can't wait to go home! Only 12 days and 309 hours until I leave, but hey...who's counting, right? :) Not quite sure what the temp. is up there, but when I told my mom it was 50 degrees here, she said, "WOW! That's a heat wave." Whatever that means....I'm not sure I like the sound of it. :-/
Oh well, I get to be home with my family and that's all that matters!
...Here are a couple pics from the Harvest Fest...

Thanksgiving is creeping up and I can't wait to go home! Only 12 days and 309 hours until I leave, but hey...who's counting, right? :) Not quite sure what the temp. is up there, but when I told my mom it was 50 degrees here, she said, "WOW! That's a heat wave." Whatever that means....I'm not sure I like the sound of it. :-/
Oh well, I get to be home with my family and that's all that matters!
...Here are a couple pics from the Harvest Fest...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Say Goodbye to My Long Hair!
Yep, that's right...
It will be interesting to see how many people read this, because hopefully today I will be getting my hair cut. Soooo as long as I can get in today, after's all getting CHOPPED! :-O
It will be interesting to see how many people read this, because hopefully today I will be getting my hair cut. Soooo as long as I can get in today, after's all getting CHOPPED! :-O
Monday, November 5, 2007
"Dancing with the Stars"
Well so my dance started out as being to the song "Runaround Sue" but somehow switched to "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael J!
...this is what our judges had to say...with of course my rendition of the show :)
...this is what our judges had to say...with of course my rendition of the show :)
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'm Performing this weekend! Yay!
...the Regent Ballroom Dance Class has been showcasing wonderful dancers and their skill-those just starting out, and some who have been dancing for a while. Well this weekend my parents are coming down to Va, so I'm going to be performing at the end of class! Yesterday was our first practice. It went well and I'm super excited!
If you want to see me dance like a star, you'll have to come see me! It's this Saturday at A Time to Dance...if you need directions, shoot me an email (
Here's a little hint of what's to come...
...if you're good, you'll figure it out! :)
If you want to see me dance like a star, you'll have to come see me! It's this Saturday at A Time to Dance...if you need directions, shoot me an email (
Here's a little hint of what's to come...
...if you're good, you'll figure it out! :)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My lovely experience with a wetsuit
this was me ATTEMPTING to get into a wetsuit...probably the hardest thing i did all day!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Quick Updates

Well this weekend was a COMPLETE whirlwind! I ran the Race for the Cure this weekend and kinda forgot one important stretch! Yea...not a good idea. I haven't run in over a year and decided one day that it was a good cause and that I should sign up for it. I planned on it one month in advance but then got reaaaaally sick, so i kind of put it off. Well the Thursday before the race I ended up registering and now I'm regretting it. A co-worker and I were actually talking and I think we are going to run the Jingle Bell 5k on December 1st so looks like I better start running again!
Monday, October 15, 2007
This is what happens...
...when I'm bored and have a video camera.
This is the progression of the night...
And I ran out of I guess you will NEVER know what I was going to say! :)
This is the progression of the night...
And I ran out of I guess you will NEVER know what I was going to say! :)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I'm FINALLY getting a board!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The past 2 nights I have been taking dance class at A Time to Dance and the classes have been from 9-10pm. Well at first I thought no big deal...
then I've woken up 2 hours late every morning after dance. not good :(
So yea, I'm officially an old person that needs her sleep.
then I've woken up 2 hours late every morning after dance. not good :(
So yea, I'm officially an old person that needs her sleep.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I've come to realize that without them, i'd be lost. Whenever I sleep in, i usually feel completely helpless and incapable. Sounds weird I know. The other day I was listening to the radio and they said that studies show that no matter what day it is, you should always wake up at the same time. So on the weekends, no matter how good it feels to sleep in, you should wake up at the time you normally do as to not throw off your internal clock, or whatever. I completely agree with them! :) Something happens during a morning that doesn't happen at any other part of the day. I think it's the fact that the hustle and bustle of the day hasn't quite kicked in and that you don't really know what that day in particular is going to have in store for you.
The past couple days, I've been enjoying my back porch quite a bit. I'll go out there around 6:45 or so while it's still a little dark, the noise for the day hasn't quite reached it's peak, and all the little birds are just waking up and meeting the day with their songs. ...we have a pond in the back that is literately 10 feet away from our porch, and along with this pond comes these distgusting water vermons. At first we thought they were cute little otters, but found out otherwise. Point is, you never know when they are going to be out. One time, Andrea and I saw close to 15 all feeding right outside of our door. It was pretty freaky, I'm not going to lie. Maybe one day, I'll have to get a picture of them all in their little herd! But as for now, I'm off to enjoy my mornning :)
Friday, October 5, 2007
Mmm Mmm Good
This is what you get when you mix a really sick Stefanie with a hankerin' for Chicken Soup! ...a funny girl attempting to speak English :)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
..yea...I burnt marshmallows. NOT a good idea, so don't try it!
At first I just thought that it would add a hint of "campfire" feeling to them, but then it soon turned into just one big 'ol mess! I wouldn't recommend it.
So my advice to you of the day is to keep an eye on your marshmallows when making Rice Krispy treats at all times. :)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Lucky Mom
Oh yea. I get a call Saturday night at like 11 from my mom...she was out watching some band play with my dad back home and goes, so guess what I got. Then she says...a Mazda Miata! I was like ummm no you didn't. I get this picture last night as proof. UNBELIEVABLE!
First she gets the $1,000 camera I want, now this! I told my dad that I expect to get my camera next! :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thought of the day...
Action without prayer is presumptuous.
Prayer without action is irresponsible.
Either of them without scripture are aimless, ineffective, and ultimately idolatry.
Prayer without action is irresponsible.
Either of them without scripture are aimless, ineffective, and ultimately idolatry.
Monday, August 20, 2007
T minus...
1 day
39 hours
2356 minutes
Until MY BIRTHDAY! :) Wow...scary thought. This one has just seemed to sneak up on me. Usually I am counting down the days WAY before hand. Not only is Wednesday is my birthday, but the first day of classes! Happy birthday to me, right?! haha. I guess with my new job and everything else that has been happening, it's been a little crazy. Orientation went great last week, and now Fall Fun Fest is right around the corner! Woohoo!
It's gonna be great...we have a 24ft rock wall and 2 giant inflatables. I better see y'all out there! It'll be so big, you won't wanna miss it!
39 hours
2356 minutes
Until MY BIRTHDAY! :) Wow...scary thought. This one has just seemed to sneak up on me. Usually I am counting down the days WAY before hand. Not only is Wednesday is my birthday, but the first day of classes! Happy birthday to me, right?! haha. I guess with my new job and everything else that has been happening, it's been a little crazy. Orientation went great last week, and now Fall Fun Fest is right around the corner! Woohoo!
It's gonna be great...we have a 24ft rock wall and 2 giant inflatables. I better see y'all out there! It'll be so big, you won't wanna miss it!

Monday, August 13, 2007
Ever flown an F-18?

Me neither, but Andrea and I did get to go to this Strike Fighter Ball with a couple of pilots. :) You see, there were these 2 guys in need of dates for this big ball they have will all of the fighter pilots in Va Bch. Now, if any of you know me or Andrea, we have a track record of not actually showing up to these things...she was invited to one -similar, not the same, last year. And I was invited to one in the fall but I couldn't go because I had an allergic reaction and my face swelled up, so needless to say, I REALLY didn't want to go to this fancy ball with my face looking like a puffer fish! Classic, I know!
Well we finally actually went to one! Lol. It was fun, and we definitely learned a LOT about fighter when you hear the jets flying above us, you can know that they are just flying drills at 11pm for the fun of it! :)
SO Bruised!
Well this weekend I attempted to surf. Let me just tell you one thing...Hawaii is a LOT different than Virginia Beach, that's for sure!
I basically got beat up by a surfboard. I have rash burn from the foam board I used, then I have bruises all over my elbows, knees, and hipbones. NOT fun. :( Not to mention I think my chin is bruised from the board hitting me so many times. And my roommate is no better! Her bruises always seem to be much bigger and much more colorful than mine. Lol.
And of course my determination gets the best of me and even though I'm completely beat up, I want to get right back out there and try till I get it! It's just a little hard getting used to the difference in the waves and the different tides as well. I wish there was a little bird telling me, ok Go NOW! And then of course, I would always catch the wave, but I'm not that lucky as to have imaginary birds in my life...haha. maybe some day!
I basically got beat up by a surfboard. I have rash burn from the foam board I used, then I have bruises all over my elbows, knees, and hipbones. NOT fun. :( Not to mention I think my chin is bruised from the board hitting me so many times. And my roommate is no better! Her bruises always seem to be much bigger and much more colorful than mine. Lol.
And of course my determination gets the best of me and even though I'm completely beat up, I want to get right back out there and try till I get it! It's just a little hard getting used to the difference in the waves and the different tides as well. I wish there was a little bird telling me, ok Go NOW! And then of course, I would always catch the wave, but I'm not that lucky as to have imaginary birds in my life...haha. maybe some day!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Here there and Everywhere!

So I apologize for my lack of...well basically I'm a slacker. But the good news is, my parents have been in Alaska now for almost a week and a half. They come home this Monday night, so I'm excited! Not that I get to see them or anything, BUT my mother just got a new Canon Digital SLR. Granted it's not a Nikon, I know, but she has about 5 really ridiculous lenses that she didn't want to lose, or have to buy again for a digital. She got it for her birthday from my dad basically for this trip. I think it's their 30th anniversary present to themselves. :) haha. Gotta love my dad.
That led me to think...hmmmm I wonder if I can squeeze one of those out of him for MY birthday!? *insert evil cackling here* I highly doubt it, but I think I AM going to be getting an automatic car starter installed for my birthday. SWEET! If any of you have never had the luxury of being in a car where one of these is's GREAT! Being from upstate NY, you learn to enjoy the little things in life that prevent you from being in freezing whether any longer than you need to. Speaking of which, after these past couple days...I don't know. I'm NOT a fan of the nasty weather that looks like it should be, oh I don't know...60 degrees and in all reality its like 100! Yea, that's just not normal. Oh well, such is life, as my mother would say.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Time Spent Driving.
You gotta love the random cars that are loaded with bumper stickers here in Va Bch. Maybe it's just that there are more cars so it always seems like 1/2 the population has at least 10. :)
Last night I think I actually laughed out loud in my car...I was by myself. It said, "If only closed minds came with closed mouths." hehe.
Last night I think I actually laughed out loud in my car...I was by myself. It said, "If only closed minds came with closed mouths." hehe.

Thursday, July 26, 2007
11 hrs
Pretty much. I've been working 2 jobs usually from 8am-8pm most nights. Last night I decided to leave at 7 and I went home and CRASHED! Oh yea, that's right...and I slept allllllllll night long!
That makes me wonder if something is wrong with me? hmm.
That makes me wonder if something is wrong with me? hmm.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Who would have thought!
After laying in bed this morning, REALLY not wanting to get out...I was interestingly surprised by what I found myself listening to! DREW CAREY is replacing Bob Barker as the host of Price is Right!
How wrong is that?!?! That show was like the "I'm home sick from school just so I can watch TV" show. I really do think that it was the deciding factor of if I was really sick enough to stay home or not. How sad, but true nonetheless. I'm not sure if my kids will now ever get that same joy when they are home sick because of this.
How wrong is that?!?! That show was like the "I'm home sick from school just so I can watch TV" show. I really do think that it was the deciding factor of if I was really sick enough to stay home or not. How sad, but true nonetheless. I'm not sure if my kids will now ever get that same joy when they are home sick because of this.

Sunday, July 22, 2007
What do you do with sensitivity? My good friend’s mom always used to tell her to let things roll off her back like a duck. Jessi would tell me this often. Sometimes I just wonder where that line is between letting things roll off of one’s back and actually being hurt. It seems as if that line is much more blurry in my life. I would love to let things roll off of my back, but honestly, it seems like I get hurt more often than not. I must not be that much of a duck after all.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Anyone have a TV?

Andrea and I have been getting settled in to our lovely new home and well in process, something must have happened to her's broke!
Well this morning we wanted to do Pilates, but I couldn't find it, so I asked her if she wanted to do Core Rhythms (Those of you who watch infomercials at 2am know EXACTLY what I am talking about!) which is a dance oriented type work out with Julia Powers (12 Times US Rhythm Champion) and Jaana Kunitz (10 Times International Latin Champion). We ended up having to watch it on my laptop...and well this week has been rather hard. I'm still moving in to my room, I started a new job in student services this week while also still working at my old job. Thank the Lord it is Friday! That is all I have to say! We're actually going to the Flowering Almond Spa for massages after work and have the weekend to relax! :)
But anyway...the reason for writing this is because I got an email from Andrea this morning saying that we need a that we can "see the moving rythmatic bodies on the tv..." Which made me actually laugh out loud! So if anyone has a TV they would like to donate to us, we'd appreciate it! :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Hugs not Drugs
One of my biggest pet peeves, well it's not really a pet peeve, it's more like an observation that I am not fond of. It's the whole "patting" hug where the people you are closest with hug you, but as soon as they do, they your back immediately which is almost just signaling that they want you to let go as soon as possible! Or when they come at you to hug you but turn slightly with only one arm raised...they trick you into a "side" hug. I really usually don't care when people give bad hugs, it's just like..."Well, you aren't a good hugg-er, but hey, nothing against you." But when those people are your best friends or family members...someone has to teach them a lesson. I'm just used to getting good hugs from my girls back at Elim...we Christian folk hug all the time! LOL.
But what REALLY gets my own family! Granted I haven't seen them in half a year and when I come home, I get the side hug, no...not even a hug, it's more like a tap. This was my brother and of course, I politely yelled at him and told him to give me a real hug! :) Of course my mother was there and she commented..."Yea, you have to squeeze her until she pops to make her happy, otherwise you'll hear about it!" Haha. This made me laugh...I was like, that's right Mom, at least I have one family member trained! So needless to say...
But what REALLY gets my own family! Granted I haven't seen them in half a year and when I come home, I get the side hug, no...not even a hug, it's more like a tap. This was my brother and of course, I politely yelled at him and told him to give me a real hug! :) Of course my mother was there and she commented..."Yea, you have to squeeze her until she pops to make her happy, otherwise you'll hear about it!" Haha. This made me laugh...I was like, that's right Mom, at least I have one family member trained! So needless to say...

Saturday, July 7, 2007
Think Outside the Bun
It’s sad. I know. But I couldn’t help it. Today I decided to go to church Saturday night instead of my usual Sunday morning at 8:15am. This decision was based on the fact that I have not been able to shake this darn cold and wanted to be able to sleep in tomorrow morning in hopes that this would once and for all get rid of my cold! We shall how that goes…
Anyways, maybe a little past half way through the service, my stomach was yelling at me! It was soooo empty and really really really wanted some food. So of course, my first thought…mmmm $1.65 Fresco Beef Gordita! ☺ Of course, if you are Andrea Phelps, (my good friend and soon to be roommate!) you would say that it would probably rot my insides out, but nothing seemed too harmful about some beef, lettuce, and tomato!
Well I go into the lobby because I decided that waiting until I got somewhere to eat it was a bad idea. I got it to eat there and as I’m waiting, I see one of my favorite Starbucks employees. He was on break…then there was a group of skater boys in the back and as I waited, people kept entering. Then the thought when through my mind…wow Taco Bell must be the spot to be on a Saturday night! Haha. Then it ALSO passed through my mind that I was the ONLY girl in that entire place. By this point, I had seem maybe 3-4 groups of people, that were all guys in the 14-20 year old range. Interesting I know. Well that is my story about my experience at Taco Bell. I hope you have all benefited out of reading this! ☺
Anyways, maybe a little past half way through the service, my stomach was yelling at me! It was soooo empty and really really really wanted some food. So of course, my first thought…mmmm $1.65 Fresco Beef Gordita! ☺ Of course, if you are Andrea Phelps, (my good friend and soon to be roommate!) you would say that it would probably rot my insides out, but nothing seemed too harmful about some beef, lettuce, and tomato!
Well I go into the lobby because I decided that waiting until I got somewhere to eat it was a bad idea. I got it to eat there and as I’m waiting, I see one of my favorite Starbucks employees. He was on break…then there was a group of skater boys in the back and as I waited, people kept entering. Then the thought when through my mind…wow Taco Bell must be the spot to be on a Saturday night! Haha. Then it ALSO passed through my mind that I was the ONLY girl in that entire place. By this point, I had seem maybe 3-4 groups of people, that were all guys in the 14-20 year old range. Interesting I know. Well that is my story about my experience at Taco Bell. I hope you have all benefited out of reading this! ☺
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Happy 4th!
Well I must say, as much as I enjoyed spending time with friends yesterday...the fireworks were less than great. I guess I am simply spoiled because you see, I have grown up on Lake Ontario my whole life, and every year at the end of July there is this HUGE festival with 7 main stages all across the city, where there are always bands playing...decent ones I must add. Well it is all weekend long and people from all over the state come to our little city for this festival.
On Saturday night they always have fireworks done by the Grucci brothers. Now let me inform you that these guys have done things at the Olympics, New Year's Eve in Time Square, and fireworks for the president himself! So I'm used to seeing those EVERY year! And they are choreographed to music as well, definitely an amazing show. Oh yea, I almost forgot, my Dad works for the company who sponsors the fireworks every year. They have this HUGE section of prime seats all roped off right on top of this big yea, I usually get it hooked up! :)

On Saturday night they always have fireworks done by the Grucci brothers. Now let me inform you that these guys have done things at the Olympics, New Year's Eve in Time Square, and fireworks for the president himself! So I'm used to seeing those EVERY year! And they are choreographed to music as well, definitely an amazing show. Oh yea, I almost forgot, my Dad works for the company who sponsors the fireworks every year. They have this HUGE section of prime seats all roped off right on top of this big yea, I usually get it hooked up! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The Crazy & Ridiculously Bizarre Adventures of Stefanie
Oh yes, never a dull moment. The weekend started out with the wedding.

Then came my cousin's graduation party where my other cousin decided to drive his Jeep in the creek...oh yes. Very smart decision...especially when he could not get it out! Then my mother and I were on our way to Utica (about 2 hrs away from my house) and got a blowout. A lovely fireman came to help us change it, THEN don't you know it, two of the screws that actually hold the tire onto the rim completely snapped off. Oh yea, my mother was not happy. We had to ride home in a flat bad tow truck with this guy that talked the ENTIRE way home. My dad ended up fixing it...but in the process he put one of the new screws in the freezer in hopes it would shrink a little (it was a tad bit too big, so by freezing it, sometimes you can get metal to shrink just enough). No one really knew he did this, and as he keeps working on this, he must have forgotten what he did with it, because he lost it and was looking for it for a good 2 hrs. The next day, he was getting ice, and started laughing hysterically. Now, my Dad is not the type to bust out into spontaneous laughter, so it was slightly out of character for him. After wondering what in the world he was laughing at, we saw the screw frozen into the ice cube must have melted the ice because it was warm and then ended up re-freezing!

AND THEN! It gets better, I know! Well longer story, hopefully shorter...on my flight home, I was talking to this pilot asking him if he could get the plane back to Va Bch any sooner than 11:44 and ended up talking with him for 2 hours and all of his little plane buddies as well! Oh yea...I found out that our pilot's nickname was "Big Daddy" (the one on the left) and he was the other one...his nickname was "Easy Button." Let me explain, it is exactly how it sounds. He carries an "easy button" around with him. I'm not sure WHY, but nonetheless, he does. He told me when I got on the plane that I could go up to the cockpit and see this "easy button" he is so famous for. Well just as he said...there was a big 'ol easy button (like the ones on the Staples commercials) in the center console. I pushed it, and what'd ya know...I hear, "That was easy!" in the Staples guy voice. Quite funny I must say, but of course...very random! And here is the proof! :)

Then came my cousin's graduation party where my other cousin decided to drive his Jeep in the creek...oh yes. Very smart decision...especially when he could not get it out! Then my mother and I were on our way to Utica (about 2 hrs away from my house) and got a blowout. A lovely fireman came to help us change it, THEN don't you know it, two of the screws that actually hold the tire onto the rim completely snapped off. Oh yea, my mother was not happy. We had to ride home in a flat bad tow truck with this guy that talked the ENTIRE way home. My dad ended up fixing it...but in the process he put one of the new screws in the freezer in hopes it would shrink a little (it was a tad bit too big, so by freezing it, sometimes you can get metal to shrink just enough). No one really knew he did this, and as he keeps working on this, he must have forgotten what he did with it, because he lost it and was looking for it for a good 2 hrs. The next day, he was getting ice, and started laughing hysterically. Now, my Dad is not the type to bust out into spontaneous laughter, so it was slightly out of character for him. After wondering what in the world he was laughing at, we saw the screw frozen into the ice cube must have melted the ice because it was warm and then ended up re-freezing!

AND THEN! It gets better, I know! Well longer story, hopefully shorter...on my flight home, I was talking to this pilot asking him if he could get the plane back to Va Bch any sooner than 11:44 and ended up talking with him for 2 hours and all of his little plane buddies as well! Oh yea...I found out that our pilot's nickname was "Big Daddy" (the one on the left) and he was the other one...his nickname was "Easy Button." Let me explain, it is exactly how it sounds. He carries an "easy button" around with him. I'm not sure WHY, but nonetheless, he does. He told me when I got on the plane that I could go up to the cockpit and see this "easy button" he is so famous for. Well just as he said...there was a big 'ol easy button (like the ones on the Staples commercials) in the center console. I pushed it, and what'd ya know...I hear, "That was easy!" in the Staples guy voice. Quite funny I must say, but of course...very random! And here is the proof! :)

Friday, June 29, 2007
Cara & Josh's Wedding
Well the long awaited wedding has finally come and gone. I am here in NY enjoying the lovely weather...even though I must say, it did take a bit to get used to. The days where everyone was sweating to death, I was still shivering.
The wedding itself was stunning. Cara looked beautiful as always and it was great to see all my girls! Josh has asked me to take pictures of the wedding because they are more indie and like different things. They asked me because I knew their style and they thought I would do a good job. Well I was a little too intimidated and said I would video it instead if they wanted. :)
I ended up shooting a ton of film shots at the reception and they are getting developed as we speak. Ya never know, depending on how they turn out, I may become a wedding photographer! hehe. Here are just some fun shots of me and my girlies, I'll post some more when they are developed.

The wedding itself was stunning. Cara looked beautiful as always and it was great to see all my girls! Josh has asked me to take pictures of the wedding because they are more indie and like different things. They asked me because I knew their style and they thought I would do a good job. Well I was a little too intimidated and said I would video it instead if they wanted. :)
I ended up shooting a ton of film shots at the reception and they are getting developed as we speak. Ya never know, depending on how they turn out, I may become a wedding photographer! hehe. Here are just some fun shots of me and my girlies, I'll post some more when they are developed.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
YAY! Finally...a new house
Jen and I went house shopping yesterday and oh my goodness, the first neighborhood was SO ghetto...not good, not good AT ALL! Then we went to this one, and I think it's the winner! And I must's about time! Anyways, looks like we might have it for all of July so woohoo! :)
This is the downstairs, kitchen is attached-but the living/dining room is all hardwood floors, and there's even a wet bar-how random!? They are just moving out so it's a little messy. I think we may turn the dining room into a sitting room/studio type deal because the kitchen is big enough and has room for the table.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Way Back When

This morning I was speaking with Sharon, a lady I work with, about women's suffrage and the feminist movement. As she put it, "I am woman, hear me roar...God didn't create us as women to be lionesses, but He did create us to be leaders."
She had mentioned this woman, Barbara Jordan and one of the things she said was the following: " A spirit of harmony can only survive if each of us remembers, when bitterness and self-interest seem to prevail, that we share a common destiny."
It got me thinking about way back when where all of the women stayed at home, blah blah blah. Well my question is, Did the occupation of "homemaker" become devalued when women wanted to start working outside the home? Was it because women wanted "more" that people thought this wasn't enough to satisfy a talented and strong "working" woman's desires? It also made me think about the difference between a woman who just did her job and was good at it, even though her heart was unhappy. I've seen many people who are great at what they do, but are so miserable. Their hearts are simply not in what they do. And I say, what is the point if there is no passion? Now on the opposite end, there can be the most amazing woman who could succeed anywhere she goes, but chooses to be a homemaker, why is she looked at any differently if she could be doing the same thing other women choose to do. This is what she chooses, but why is it when she chooses this field, she is being discriminated against?
Furthermore...I was thinking about where we are now in our culture. There is obviously lots of sin in the world, but who says there wasn't as much sin 500 years ago?! Exactly, so if there was just as much sin, but no one was freely open with it, how did they deal with it? I can just picture 7 Godly Christian women sitting together for tea, struggling with sin in their lives and not being able to talk about it. Was it that they had better relationships with the Lord that they were able to go to only Him for help, or what? These are just thoughts...but yea, I think these would be questions I'd eventually like to ask the Big Guy one day.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Interesting Night

Well I am forever and continually amazed and awestruck of the workings of God. He never ceases to love and yet confuse the heck out of me. I find myself asking the question, is this what relying on God is supposed to look like? People have always told me that when they have been in school, they have found times where they are so far behind, that it is truly a miracle if they catch up and it is at that point where they know that they couldn't have done it without God. That makes me seriously think...because obviously people that are getting 4.0's and working don't see them falling behind and then catching up only to know that they were only capable of doing that because of God. I think..I know God works in our lives differently depending on who we are. It seems that how He deals with me is the thing that I will NEVER be able to figure out! *sigh*
I guess the story of my life is not knowing. And it's funny because I know that, and yet I still struggle. Now, I'm not saying that I shouldn't be struggling, but I just get so tired sometimes and wonder if it will ever end. It would be REALLY nice to just stop being in this place where I am continually weak and tired. I mean, seriously...can't God work in my life any OTHER way besides through THIS kind of weakness specifically?! I know He can and He can also do whatever He wants...but I am just so tired in every way imaginable. And of course that's when people say, "Well that's when God is allowed to use you-when you are weak." Well ya know what...I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! I know that this isn't God's will for me...whoever says that, is messed up. I have a Father who loves me and who is always working in me and has my best interest in mind.
I just want to know if it will ever end. I need rest.
My frustration continues
Well all of my excitement was for NOTHIN! I'm so upset...the stupid hard drive came with "quick set up" instructions, but NO detailed instructions leaving me completely clueless. Now when I first set it up, I was like, no big deal, it should that was easy. Oh no no no, I was mistaken...when I tried transferring my files, the darn things never showed up on the external hard drive. It was saying it was there, and that they were being added, but then it was like they just disappeared.
I started pushing buttons trying to configure it, and somehow found like 3 weird drives and deleted them and after I deleted them, it seemed like new ones just kept getting created. So whatever, I tried putting my files into there, and after the third one, they sticked, so I was like, ok sweet and just went with it.
I understand that many of you may be reading this and shaking your head in either disappointment or disbelief. But unfortunately it is true...I had no idea what I was doing! :)
I started pushing buttons trying to configure it, and somehow found like 3 weird drives and deleted them and after I deleted them, it seemed like new ones just kept getting created. So whatever, I tried putting my files into there, and after the third one, they sticked, so I was like, ok sweet and just went with it.
I understand that many of you may be reading this and shaking your head in either disappointment or disbelief. But unfortunately it is true...I had no idea what I was doing! :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
i'm scary...i know
Some of you may have seen the picture of me when I had an allergic reaction from a previous post...and those of you who have not, be thankful! Well my lovely co-worker Jason, said this to me in regards to it:
knightizi : its sad and kinda scary - but adorable in a sad awwwwwww kinda way
knightizi : now if u looked like that all the time
knightizi : probably not many points for that
So basically when I'm unrecognizable beyond belief, it's cute. But if I always looked like that, not so much...oh and yea, he also said I have ogre feet! :(
knightizi : its sad and kinda scary - but adorable in a sad awwwwwww kinda way
knightizi : now if u looked like that all the time
knightizi : probably not many points for that
So basically when I'm unrecognizable beyond belief, it's cute. But if I always looked like that, not so much...oh and yea, he also said I have ogre feet! :(
Oh to be a mermaid
I FINALLY got the chance to go to First Landing State Park this weekend and actually enjoy the was soooo nice to be outside. It makes me miss home a lot...but ya know-such is life. One more year! ...This just means that now I know a place that I can go when I need something other than a concrete jungle! :)
This great "local tour guide" took me for a bike ride on the trails and I got to see a little of what his place of business does. It's a great place that does all sorts of eco-tours. Andrea is actually going to be taking surf lessons from them this weekend and I can't WAIT to watch her! hehe. Aren't I a good friend?! Not that I have any doubts, but ya should be super fun to watch!

Sometimes I really wish I could be a mermaid. Did I just say that out loud? I could seriously sit and watch fish for hours. Ya know, I used to swim in my pool and see how long I could hold my breath for underwater. I thought that maybe if I did that enough times, I'd get gills. My plan failed miserably and alas, I am still human. There is actually quite an interesting story about how mermaids first will have to check it out sometime.
This great "local tour guide" took me for a bike ride on the trails and I got to see a little of what his place of business does. It's a great place that does all sorts of eco-tours. Andrea is actually going to be taking surf lessons from them this weekend and I can't WAIT to watch her! hehe. Aren't I a good friend?! Not that I have any doubts, but ya should be super fun to watch!

Sometimes I really wish I could be a mermaid. Did I just say that out loud? I could seriously sit and watch fish for hours. Ya know, I used to swim in my pool and see how long I could hold my breath for underwater. I thought that maybe if I did that enough times, I'd get gills. My plan failed miserably and alas, I am still human. There is actually quite an interesting story about how mermaids first will have to check it out sometime.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Calling all Mac users!

So my frustration continues with my mac. Yes it is true. I have a 60GB hard drive and it is completely FULL! Because of this, doing ANYTHING seems quite impossible! I know that I need to free up some space, but after burning a bajillion things onto cd's and still having a difficult time doing anything, I have given up.
My roommate suggested getting an external hard drive. I have never had the problem of not having enough space, so it seems a bit futile to me but neverless, I think getting one is what it comes down to as my only other option. I am usually pretty savy when it comes to electronics, where to buy them, and brand, but when it comes to these, I am plum outta luck...probably because I've never had the need.
So if anyone knows ANYTHING about these thinga-ma-bobbers, please let me know! And keep in mind that I have a Mac so it has to be compatible. Thanks!
Friday, June 8, 2007
So long to MySpace

For those of you who read about the fast I was considering (See 5/25), it has slightly evolved into something else. I realized that what I spend the most time doing is watching TV on my computer or movies and meaningless web surfing...a lot on MySpace. I was doing a Daniel's fast, which caused me to evaluate what my time was being spent on. After seeing the severity of how this media has been affecting me, I decided to delete my MySpace. One of my dearest friends wrote this to me today:
FreedomGGirl: i don't like you not being my #4 on myspace
FreedomGGirl: will you come back if i make you #1?
It made me smile...but as much as I love her and as much as that made me laugh, I cannot go back! :)
Friday, June 1, 2007
i swing hard

after many conversations with friends from all over, i have realized that i have a tendancy to swing hard. as my friend jessi once told me, "stef, you are either one way or the other...God eventually brings you to the middle, but in everything you do, you go all out." now granted this can be good but also bad. i know that i'm like that for a reason, just haven't quite figured out why or what that reason is. but that's the great thing...i'm always learning :)
now when i say swing...not only on a swingset...because i do! but also in my life. when i do something, i tend to do it full out. in my thoughts and my emotions also. if i am involved, i am completely involved. there is no half way for me. this is part of the reason i find it so hard to balance work and school. i have always had 3 if not more jobs in the summer, but i never had school. i am such a hard worker that i work myself to death practically and have no mental capacity left for other involved things such as school. now, cooking and helping my mom garden, yes...but never something so involved as school...none the less online. like i said's a challenge and i am trying.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Dirty feet

I just went to take a brief cat nap and after a couple minutes of contemplating, I realized that I don't think I can do things when I have walked around for long periods of time barefoot.
You may wonder how in the world I have come to this conclusion. Well Monday I was at the beach and when I came home I was completely unproductive...until I washed my feet. There was just something weird and disruptive about them. Oh wait, no...I couldn't go to sleep with dirty feet! That's what it was!
But anyway, when attempting to snooze today, I noticed my feet were dirty from walking around all day and it just bugged me. So I decided to blog about it...seems funny and almost ironic how both times I was trying to sleep...Hmm.
The good news is that either it couldn't have bugged me that bad...because I found myself actually waking up so I guess I did catch a couple minutes of sleep OR I was just really that tired that even something like dirty feet couldn't have stopped me!
Movie Night!
Friday, May 25, 2007
40 Days For 40 Years

This was something that was sent out on The Branch, but after receiving it from someone who is down at IHOP (International House of Prayer...not Pancakes as I once thought). I decided to check it out and have felt moved to participate.
Fasts are something that I think have to be on a case by case individual basis. My senior year at Elim for example, there were about 11-12 girls who decided to do a Daniel fast which is fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and pure oats and grain type stuff. aka PLAIN oatmeal...many of them stopped half way through because they knew that they weren't doing it for the right reasons. I was one who continued through until the 40 days was over. This was one of the hardest things I have EVER done! I found that it was not about being hungry at all--it was about me denying my flesh which was not an easy task.
The Lord was so faithful to me and not only through it, but after it as well. I would not recommend this to anyone in particular, but if you feel moved after reading more about ( I suggest praying and asking the Lord what it is that you can contribute whether it be fasting even TV or meaningless internet use to one meal a day or just fruits and vegetables. During this time you can guarantee there will donuts brought in by the boss and other things will come up...
As I prepare to enter into this time of fasting, I want to let you know that I need spiritual encouragement as well as people who will hold me accountable and I will also do the same for you if you let me know.
Stick it
So prolly one of the best movies I've seen in a WHILE! Super chick flick ALL THE WAY! but it has amazing extreme sports...not to mention the fact that the dude doing the bike tricks turns out to be a GIRL! o yea. way to rock.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Soooo do you ever look at pictures of yourself now and then look at pictures of yourself from a year ago? Well I do and it is been very difficult. My Mom always tell me that people change, and of course their pictures are going to look different. She says that in past pictures I still have my "baby face" and that's why I look different.
Let me just tell you...I HATE IT! I have a very difficult time seeing how completely different I look. There haven't been massive changes in like my size or anything...I even just wore my junior prom dress to the Christmas Ball! Point being: how could I have not have changed that much but look 100% different! GAH! It's so frustrating and it is at those times where I just thank God for who I am in Him. Don't get me wrong...I am completely secure in that and in my personality, but when I see myself, it's a different story.
Let me just tell you...I HATE IT! I have a very difficult time seeing how completely different I look. There haven't been massive changes in like my size or anything...I even just wore my junior prom dress to the Christmas Ball! Point being: how could I have not have changed that much but look 100% different! GAH! It's so frustrating and it is at those times where I just thank God for who I am in Him. Don't get me wrong...I am completely secure in that and in my personality, but when I see myself, it's a different story.
While driving

So do you ever notice that sometimes while driving you notice things you may have never noticed before? Things like states have not only State Birds, and State flowers...but they ALSO have State Insects! How weird is that!?
You may ask how in the world did I notice this. Well I will tell you. It was on a license plate in front of me! Weird and random, I know, but I couldn't help but see it. So Virginia's is a Swallowtail Butterfly. At least we don't have like a cockroach as State Insect!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
To feel alive
Friday, May 18, 2007
Bad idea
Yesterday morning at work I was so productive until the afternoon hit...I got a killer headache and could barely concentrate. I ended up going home and took a much needed nap.
I must preface this with the fact that mom is amazing! Why, you ask. When I first came down here I didn't have much, so she made me curtains. I asked her if she could make me ones that didn't let any light in. So that's exactly what she did. They are these brown curtains that when I shut them, it is pitch black in my room...even in the middle of the day.
Needless to say, when I only intended on sleeping for an hour, this was a VERY BAD IDEA!
...I woke up this morning.
I must preface this with the fact that mom is amazing! Why, you ask. When I first came down here I didn't have much, so she made me curtains. I asked her if she could make me ones that didn't let any light in. So that's exactly what she did. They are these brown curtains that when I shut them, it is pitch black in my room...even in the middle of the day.
Needless to say, when I only intended on sleeping for an hour, this was a VERY BAD IDEA!
...I woke up this morning.

Thursday, May 17, 2007
So the sad face has got to go

Well I have this picture on my MySpace that is of me frowning, and people keep telling me that I need to take it off because that isn't who i am...but this is the straw that broke the camel's back...way to go Kati! (See below)
"You know. i really think you need to change your pic though. there is one thing that the devil is not able to take away from us. and thats our joy. he can make us sick take our possessions and our friends, but if we keep our joy he is still defeated. so, stef be the joyful girl i know you are!"
let me tell you...sick is certainly one thing i have been. As Andrea puts it, "You get sick when your're stressed." And now call me crazy, but that isn't exactly something that I really enjoy being...sick that is. I'm telling you, only me...who gets sick when they are stressed?! *sigh*
Monday, May 14, 2007
Yay! Done for the summer?
Well not quite...
It's quite funny/interesante (that's Spanish for interesting in case you didn't know) that 90% of the students i've talked to that have "graduated" still have a class or two left to take over the summer.
At any rate, summer classes have officially started, and of course I am sick...
i never knew that u could tire urself out from coughing! My nose is raw, i hurt from coughing, have an upper respiratory infection, i spilled a boiling cup of tea on my lap yesterday and now have severe burns in a very bad spot and can barely move, have so much homework to do but have no focus due to congested head and medication...i love that school doesn't stop when i'm am miserably sick and totally not capable of being productive-therefore causing me to get incredibly behind causing even more stress, and i am sick of getting lost. meh.

Friday, May 4, 2007
As much as I love Spiderman...

...I was far from impressed. Many of you may know that today is opening day for the well awaited for flick. Last night, myself along with 3 others went to see it for my friend Kati's birthday. We had bought our tickets about a week and a half ago and had gotten to the theater well before 9:45 or so. We were the FIRST ONES in line eventually followed by hundreds of people.
It was quite amusing being the first ones there. The theater lobby was dead silent only until the silence was interrupted by 4 very excited girls. I would like to preface this with the fact Andrea and I had only had 2 hours of sleep the previous night. Let's just say the theater employees got quite a night of entertainment from us! :)
Regarding the actual I was discussing with a co-worker earlier, he had mentioned that this film was supposed to be more of "transitional" movie-kind of how Pirates 2 was. I have been watching Spiderman since I was maybe 10 with my brother. It was always what I looked forward to when I got home from school. Granted, the movie had great effects, but the plot seemed to lack anything of substantial worth. It was still a great night regardless of the amount of sleep had previously-I'll post some pics later this week from it. I am still a fan, but I think the movie is just not it was cracked up to be.
Feel free to comment and let me know what you guys thought if you saw it! :)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
here goes nothin'
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