Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, June 8, 2007

So long to MySpace

For those of you who read about the fast I was considering (See 5/25), it has slightly evolved into something else. I realized that what I spend the most time doing is watching TV on my computer or movies and meaningless web surfing...a lot on MySpace. I was doing a Daniel's fast, which caused me to evaluate what my time was being spent on. After seeing the severity of how this media has been affecting me, I decided to delete my MySpace. One of my dearest friends wrote this to me today:

FreedomGGirl: i don't like you not being my #4 on myspace
FreedomGGirl: will you come back if i make you #1?

It made me smile...but as much as I love her and as much as that made me laugh, I cannot go back! :)


Anonymous said...

Proud of you, stef. Gosh, who would try to bribe you with a #1 spot on myspace. . . ?

Me :) said...

So how do you delete myspace... I hate it, and don't know how to get out of the cycle...

Paul said...

I recently got off a fasted from Facebook for a week and the fast has totally changed the way I use it. I really feel so much better because I am no longer wasting so much time on it. I also haven't checked a new website (Foxnews, CNN) in over two weeks.

Between that and Facebook, I am hardly spending the same amount of time online that I use to. It has really help me to focus on the things that are important right now in my life.

So good job!

Anonymous said...

are you fasting AIM too?

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